Last update: 03-12-2023
Terms and Conditions
1. Introduction
These Terms and Conditions are established by Poolder Digital Asset Management BV (hereafter referred to as: "Poolder") and govern the legal relationship between Poolder and a user of this website (hereafter referred to as: "User"), (hereinafter: "Website") and, if applicable, the connected client environment on the website Poolder is an exempt manager of investment institutions in accordance with Article 2:66a of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (hereinafter: "Wft"). This means that Poolder is exempt from a number of legal requirements that the Wft imposes on professional financial market participants such as Poolder, as well as from the supervision conducted by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (hereafter referred to as: "AFM"). Nonetheless, Poolder strives to provide a safe, lawful, and transparent service for both users of this Website (not being customers), as well as customers who participate in one or more of the investment institutions managed by Poolder and therefore use this Website.
2. Account & Security
Users who wish to participate in an investment institution of Poolder must register an account on the Website. Despite Poolder's efforts regarding the security of accounts on the Website, Users remain responsible for the security of their account, such as choosing a secure password for the account and safely storing this password. Users are required to provide accurate and current information for the registration of an account. To be accepted and registered as a Customer, the User must successfully complete Poolder's client acceptance procedure (see also below, under 3. KYC & AML).
3. KYC & AML
In the context of Poolder's obligations under the Dutch Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act (Wwft) and Sanctions Act 1977 (Sanctiewet), Poolder has a client acceptance policy to which Users are subject if a User wishes to participate in one or more investment institutions of Poolder. To successfully complete the client acceptance, various personal data must be submitted via the Website. Poolder processes this data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
4. Risk Statement
Users should not use the Website if the User does not understand and accept the associated risks. Investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks. Cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile and therefore fluctuate extremely in value in a short period of time. Investing in cryptocurrencies carries the risk of total loss of the invested amount. By using the Website, Users confirm that they understand the risks of investing in cryptocurrencies. By registering as a customer of Poolder via the Website, Users confirm that they understand and accept the risks of investing in cryptocurrencies.
5. Privacy Statement
If Users use the Website, they may leave certain personal data behind. Poolder is responsible for the processing of these personal data. User should read Poolder's Privacy Policy before using the Website.
6. Intellectual Property
All components of this Poolder website, such as displayed data, texts, photos, illustrations, graphic material, (trade) names, logos, goods and service marks are protected by copyright, trademark, and/or any other intellectual property right and are owned or licensed by Poolder or third parties. The intellectual property rights do not transfer in any way to persons who access this website. It is not allowed to reproduce parts of the website in whole or in part in any form without prior written permission from Poolder.
7. Liability
Poolder expressly disclaims any liability for any damage resulting from access to and use of this Website, except in cases of intent or gross negligence. No guarantee is offered for the error-free and uninterrupted functioning of this Website. Although Poolder strives to keep the content of this website as current and complete as possible, Poolder cannot guarantee the accuracy, validity, completeness, or timeliness of the information published on this Website or to which access is provided via this Website. In this regard, Poolder accepts no liability. The information on our Website is intended for general purposes only. This information is not legal advice or advice in the field of investments or taxes. Each User must make their own assessment of whether an investment in an investment institution managed by Poolder is appropriate for the User. The views and factual information expressed on this Website are subject to change, and although Poolder strives to keep this information as current as possible, we neither claim nor guarantee that this information is correct, complete, or up-to-date. Links to third-party websites are included to serve the User, and do not imply a recommendation on our part. Poolder is not responsible for the content of third-party websites.
8. Changes to Terms & Conditions
Poolder reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions from time to time. It is the responsibility of a User to consult these Terms and Conditions when the User uses the Website to ensure that the User agrees with the current version of the Terms and Conditions.
9. Applicable Law & Jurisdiction
These Terms and Conditions and all other legal relationships between Users and Poolder, including disputes over their existence and validity, are subject to Dutch law. Disputes, including disputes over the existence and validity of disputes, shall be settled by the Rechtbank Amsterdam (Amsterdam District Court).
10. Contact Information
Our contact details are: Website: Location: Patrijsweg 58 2289 EX Rijswijk Emailaddress:
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